Dream symbols: The colour orange – and what it means

Biblical and spiritual symbolism of orange in dreams, what that means in practice, with real dream examples.

Have you ever wondered what the colour orange means as a dream symbol?

In this article I take inspiration from the bible to investigate the spiritual meaning of orange in dreams, and what that means for us in practical terms.

We will explore its meaning in positive and negative contexts, with some real dream examples too!

I approach dream interpretation from a biblical perspective. My belief is that our dreams can come from God, and understanding them is best understood within the context of an ongoing relationship with Him.

Firstly, if you have just come across this post and are new to dream interpretation, it is worth mentioning that dreams are symbolic in nature. You might find it helpful to read the following article: Understand your dreams: A bible-based introduction to dream language. Plus, see my FREE ultimate guide to Interpreting Dreams from God.

Secondly, remember that dreams are personal, so the meanings that I suggest may not apply to your specific dream. But please feel free to use my ideas as a springboard to thinking and praying about dreams yourself. Don’t take my ideas as gospel, but rather let them help you start to think metaphorically.

Picture of orange car, lady in orange dress, oranges, orange leaves

Introducing the colour orange

There are many wonderful orange objects naturally occurring in our world. As well as oranges, there are pumpkins, carrots, satsumas and butternut squashes.

As I write, I have some vibrant orange flowers on display in a vase; there are golden orange marigolds in the garden, and the orange-brown autumn leaves are beautiful as they glint in the sunlight.

Orange is a glorious colour! It invokes feelings of summer sunshine, happiness, and zest for life. So let’s unpack what it could mean in our dreams!

Orange as a dream symbol

As with any dream symbol, each colour can potentially have both positive and negative meanings. The context, feeling and atmosphere of a dream will give us clues to help us determine whether to interpret it in a positive or negative way.  The colour orange seems so positive: full of joy and hope. But it can sometimes appear in a negative context too.

When I trained under John Paul Jackson’s ministry, he taught that orange represents perseverance in a positive context, and stubbornness in a negative context.

In both aspects there is a sense of something enduring for some time, whether for good or bad! This meaning has borne out in my own dream experience over the past 15 years.

Orange carries a sense of longevity – whether for good or bad!

More about positive and negative contexts…

Positive context of orange: Perseverance

Most commonly, when orange appears in dreams in a positive context, it represents perseverance. Perseverance carries a positive sense of not giving up; of patiently waiting; of keeping going despite everything.

PERSEVERANCE: Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. Dictionary.com

I decided to ask God why orange means perseverance, or endurance, and when I did so, this bible verse came to mind:

  • Psalm 136:1, NIV Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. 

Another way of translating this is that God’s love endures forever. Then I came across this article in mydreamstories.com, reminding us that that orange is the name of a fruit as well as a colour.

In Galatians 5, love is the most important fruit of the Spirit. So maybe that’s why orange represents perseverance and patience – because it reflects God’s love! It could also be because there is also a sense of us needing to persevere in order to see the fruit of our efforts.

In real life terms, the colour orange is an encouragement to keep going at a time when we feel like giving up.

In real life terms, the colour orange is an encouragement to keep going at a time when we feel like giving up.

Picture of person walking past some pumpkins with text: perserverance - steady persistence in a course of action in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.

In the bible, perseverance always carries hope, for example:

  • Hope that we will be transformed and changed for the better through the process.
  • Hope that we will receive what we have been promised in the end, if we do not give up.
  • Hope that we will see the fruit of our efforts in due time.

To illustrate, here are some scriptures:

  • Hebrews 12:1, ESV …let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…
  • Romans 5:4, ESV And endurance produces character, and character produces hope…
  • Hebrews 10:36, ESV For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.
  • Galatians 6:9, ESV And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Therefore, when interpreting dreams relating to the colour orange as perseverance, whether for yourself of someone else, make sure that your interpretation carries God’s heart of hope and fruitfulness, as revealed in the bible.

Examples of orange as perseverance in dreams

From a friend: I was looking at the sky and could see two bright planets. My companion pointed out that Mars was the colour orange.This dream was to encourage my friend  to hold on and not lose hope. A difficult  situation she was enduring seemed never-ending, but it would change in due time.God has always used the sky to speak about the times and seasons. By highlighting the orange planet, the dream revealed she was in a season of perseverance. Note that is is saying that is will end, although it seems endless.
A few months ago I dreamed that I wrote a blog post about the colour orange, and I could see its impact spreading out through the internet.In my blog, I would need to  persevere and be consistent. If I kept writing every week and didn’t give up, eventually I would make an impact. (At the time I really needed the encouragement!).The meaning could be literal, and this blog post about the colour orange will go viral(!!), but I’m pretty sure it was symbolic of perseverance. And it has given me motivation to keep going.

Negative context of orange: Stubbornness

Sometimes orange appears in a negative context. We can tell this from the context of the dream. It could feel unpleasant, or we might think it is a horrible shade of orange. Or maybe the object has the potential to hurt us, like an orange snake or spider.

The negative meaning of orange is usually stubbornness.

STUBBORN: Unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: fixed or set in purpose or opinion. Dictionary.com

Stubbornness still carries the sense of endurance, but in a negative sense. In other words, we are refusing to change, or have carried on down a particular path for longer than we should have.

God is kind. So if we are resisting Him in some way without realising it, or have missed an opportunity, He will show us in a dream so we can change.

Picture of man with pumpkin on his head with text: Stubborn - obstinately unmoving; fixed or set in purpose or opinion.

We could also be facing a stubborn situation, such as a stronghold in our life, or an issue that won’t go away. Again, in this sense, if God highlights it to us in a dream, it means that He intends to set us free from it, and is inviting us to cooperate.

Here are some bible verses:

  • Deuteronomy 1:6, ESV The LORD our God said to us… ‘You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Resume your journey and go…’
  • Psalm 32:9, ESV Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.
  • Hebrews 3:7-12, ESV Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…”
  • 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, ESV For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ

Examples of orange as stubbornness in dreams

A few years also I dreamed of a tree. A very long orange snake was curled around the tree, almost down to its roots.God was going to set me free from a stronghold (lie)that had been in my life for a long time, nearly from the start. (This did actually happen that year).A snake is usually some sort of lie. The orange colour, combined with the length, indicated that this lie had been there for a long time, embedded in my worldview.
From a friend: A baby snake with attractive orange markings came out of the grass and tried to bite me. I was told there would be a mummy nearby, and to get out of there. I ran!This dream was telling her that it was time to leave her current situation, and not be tempted to delay. A small delay could lead to a much longer stay if she wasn’t careful!She had decided to leave her job, but out of kindness was thinking of staying a bit longer. This dream confirmed the decision to leave soon. She now has a great new job!

More meanings of orange

  • Amber light or traffic light: An orange (or amber) light is usually some sort of hazard warning. In traffic light signals it tells us to get ready, or to be on standby for either stopping or starting. A flashing amber light is nearly always a hazard warning – and tells us we need to be careful.
  • Amber as the presence of God: Amber is similar to orange, but has some meanings in its own right, and it appears in the bible associated with the presence of God. It is the colour that Ezekiel saw around the throne in his visions of God (sometimes translated as white light in other bible translations).
    • Ezekiel 1:4, KJV And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.
  • Fire: Fire can sometimes appear orange. The context of the dream will tell you whether fire is the main point, or whether it is the colour orange that is important.
  • Pumpkins and Halloween: Pumpkins are orange coloured, but are also connected culturally with Halloween – and everything associated with that (witchcraft etc.). If orange appears in a dream in the context of Halloween, it will need to be interpreted accordingly.
  • Objects that are normally orange: If you dream of carrots, oranges, pumpkins, or other naturally orange objects, it’s worth asking yourself the following question: Is it in the dream because it is orange (i.e. is orange the main point), or is it is there for another reason and it just happens to be orange?

The number nine (9) can also mean fruitfulness and harvest (i.e., results), so could appear in a dream alongside the colour orange to confirm that meaning.

Picture of orange drink on beac, with text: let us not become weary of doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up, Galatians 6:9


In a positive context orange usually represents perseverance, and carries the hope of fruitfulness and reward, after we have endured for a time. 

In a negative sense orange generally symbolises stubbornness or longstanding issues, but brings with it the opportunity for change.

Here are a few closing thoughts:

  • The colour orange in a dream could represent any number of things. The above ideas should give you a good starting point. 
  • I believe that only God can tell us what the colour orange means in a specific dream, so you could try asking Him!
  • Consider the atmosphere and context of the dream to see whether the colour is being used in a positive or negative sense.
  • In additional to the meanings that I have shared, remember that it could mean something personal or culturally significant to you, that isn’t mentioned here.

And finally… enjoy interpreting those orange dreams! If this article has helped you interpret a dream, please do like this post or leave a comment below!

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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Jennifer Needham disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.

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Picture of orange car, with text: Dream symbols: The colour orange and what it means

11 thoughts on “Dream symbols: The colour orange – and what it means

  1. Hi Jenny, as usual your blog has shed some light on another dream I had this time about carrots!! I know it is speaking of perseverance as the carrots were being pulled up, fully mature. Which indicates to me the end product. Your blog is so helpful & always it is my first port of call. I’m now cataloguing everything in OneNote & keeping tabs on themes. Since finding your blog I’ve listened out more to the dreams & worked harder at seeking out the meanings. They just keep coming! I also find as I learn more I can go back & see what previous dreams were saying. Once again, thank you for all your hard work. It is very much appreciated. Having blogs myself I know how much time they can consume.

  2. For the second time this month i dreamt someone was drinking fanta and gave me the remaining part to drink

  3. Hi.
    I had this dream where I was wearing brand new soccer shoes coloured orange. What does this mean?

  4. Hello Jenny,

    Thank you, for this article. I don’t usually respond to public forums unless if I feel led. I felt the need to write you and encourage you. This article helped shed light and confirm what the Holy Spirit was/is telling me based on three prophetic dreams that I received in March and April of this year. I felt the need to do additional research, again, today, on the colour orange and that led me to this article. Thank you again.
    Shalom to you and yours 🙂

  5. I sensed God telling me to light a light but was not sure when although I thought I understood how. I would pray and then those who approached me or the opportunities I saw did not work out. I would have dreams of immature people and so much orange. Orange doors. Orange planets. Orange hair. Orange dresses. Now I realize God was saying wait and persevere.

  6. Great topic Jenny! Florida oranges just happen to be one of my favorite fruit. Plus over the years I have dreamed of fresh or frozen oranges, intercessors clothed in orange, and even astronauts floating in space wearing bright orange!
    The Christian race is truly one of perseverance. Perhaps one reason Jesus said the first will be last and the last will be first is because “An inheritance gained quickly will not be blessed in the end” (Prov 20:21). Thanks for sharing! ~ Jacquie

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